Charleston Police acquired an M-Vac™ in March of 2017, using money from a federal grant they had received under the Violence Against Women Act. Soon after, on May 22, there was a violent attack in a West Ashley neighborhood. The woman woke up in the very early hours of the morning and realized an intruder was in her bedroom. She was attacked and sexually assaulted. Because she was unable to tell the police anything about her attacker other than that he was a black man, there were not many clues to begin an investigation. Evidence from related local crimes did lead them to one suspect the next day, but he was eliminated as a possibility in this case. So then, without other leads, they pulled out their new M-Vac™ for the first time and tried it on the evidence. They sent their sample to Richland County Sheriff's Department's crime lab (also M-Vac™ owners) where analysts worked over the Memorial Day week. Results were returned that Tuesday and confirmed on Thursday. Within two hours, officers had arrested Filiciano Jermaine Smith. What a relief to the victim and the neighborhood to have the case solved so quickly!
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