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We all know that even the best DNA processing equipment cannot amplify DNA that is not recovered in the sampling or collection process. The M-Vac helps by simply collecting more DNA.
What if traditional collection methods have already been used on an item? The M-Vac is a valuable tool in those scenarios and can often result in conclusive profiles even after traditional methods have been used. It gives cases a second chance.
For example, in an independent verification, after swabbing a saliva stain on cotton fabric, the M-Vac was still able to collect 22X more saliva DNA. This shows that not only does the swab leave a significant amount of DNA material behind, but also that the M-Vac System is more capable of collecting DNA material from porous surfaces.
The M-Vac System is also known as a wet-vacuum sampling device, a vacuum-assisted instrument, a forensics vacuum, a DNA recovery system and other descriptive terms in literature and news articles. The M-Vac System is also effective in sampling meat or produce for pathogens, checking environments for bacterial contamination and assuring the absence of biohazards in biodefense.