BLUFFDALE, UTAH, March 25, 2010 - The USDA/FSIS has issued a Letter of No Objection to Microbial-Vac Systems, Inc. (MSI) for the use of their wet-vacuum microbial sampling system in USDA inspected facilities. This sampling device will improve the safety of our food by collecting a better sample for pathogenic detection.
MSI is the manufacturer of a wet-vacuum sampling device (the M-Vac) that has been demonstrated to be a robust alternative to the current gold-standard method of excision on beef trim and other meat surfaces. In addition to meat surfaces, the M-Vac has also shown sampling superiority over sponging and swabbing techniques on environmental and product surfaces. A better sample leads to greater detection of pathogens before they get into the food supply.
According to Jared Bradley, President and CEO of MSI, "The M-Vac collects a more representative microbial sample from any environmental surface, making it the best collection method on the market. It also collects bacteria off product surfaces, including beef trim, which allows for an extremely effective, more efficient, and non-destructive product sample for meat packers and other food processors."
The excision method for sampling beef trim has long been considered the most effective. The validations conducted with the M-Vac have demonstrated that it is not statistically different from excision in collecting bacteria, even at extremely low levels of contamination. The M-Vac is easy to use and will increase consistency of surface area per sample and repeatability between users. Mr. Bradley stated, "The M-Vac will now give beef packers and processors another approach by which they can sample beef trim in an equally effective, yet more efficient manner". In addition to the improvements in the plant, the M-Vac sample will also improve lab processes. It collects a cleaner, easier sample to process and it requires much less enrichment media than excision samples. It also eliminates the need to dispose of excised meat samples due to its liquid collection.
Based in Bluffdale, Utah, MSI was founded on the principle that bacteria detection can only be as good as the bacteria collection. The company is focused on food safety, forensics, military and first-responder industries to provide superior methods of bacteria, bio-threat, and DNA collection.
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Glen Rose, Senior Account Manager